With so many weight loss programs out there, why come to us?
What makes Love of Food Weight Loss Counseling so unique is that it really is all about the client. Love of Food is compassionate to each and every person simply because we LOVE food, and we want each person to share that love in a healthy way. Let us guide you through simple steps and teach you how to stay focused while we "worry" about making sure you get in all your required daily allowances.
There are no quick fix tricks here. Once you start the program you will be so busy retraining the way you think of food you won't have time to think about the number on the scale. We proceed with a simple understanding that in order to lose weight one has to take in less calories and expend more. Most people do not get to an unhealthy weight overnight so we do not expect them to change their habits overnight. We give you the tools you need, guide you with an array of heart-healthy foods to choose from, and encourage you to treasure each victory no matter how small. The weight loss is simply a side effect of all the positive changes you will be making on a daily basis
The "Adding back" method
Once you slowly learn to change your habits, you will ultimately reach your weight loss success!
But then what? You have to learn to increase your calories bit by bit without gaining weight.
Let us teach you how to ADD BACK increased calories, including the occasional "junk food", one week and one food group at a time while we help you incorporate more physical activity to eventually ensure a fail proof daily maintenance lifestyle.